I am taking off work tomorrow afternoon and going to Sunny's to pack up her kitchen and probably the rest of her house to move. She doesn't seem to think she can do it without me. Didn't help that Sarah told her what a good job I did packing her house up when she moved in July. I also helped Syd move into her new house 4 years ago. I guess it's a mother thing. My mother helped me move every time we moved except the last time. I would give anything if she could help me now. For those that don't know, my mama has been in a nursing home for 6 1/2 years. She has Alzheimer's and does not know anybody anymore. It is an awful, awful disease. Her body is still here but my mama has been gone for a long time. It is hard on all of us, but especially my daddy. He misses her SO much! Another word of advice to you young women...appreciate your parents and tell them how much you love them! Time goes by so fast and before you know you are the age they were when you thought they were old!
I thank God that I am able to help my girls and pray for many more years to do that!!
More of Jackson’s Trip
3 months ago
I thought you were going to tell us Sunny was going to be a mother....
Where is she moving to?
Well... right now they are moving to a house owned by Bud's boss.. but eventually they want to move to another neighborhood in Brandon.. just haven't found the right house yet.
You are sooooo right!!! I got a wake up call recently too. I think we take our mothers for granted. I don't think of my mother as being "old" and think she will be around for a long time. She recently had a very unexpected stroke - something I never imagined would happen to "my" mother. That only happens to other people's old mothers. It made me realize that she is getting older and "no" she won't be around for ever. It makes me love and appreciate her even more and I value every moment that I get to spend with her. She is coming to see Hannah perform in the Nutcracker and I can't wait to see her!!!
Hey Mrs. Martha,
This is Laura (Holloway) Mayer and I found your blog through Claire Strebeck's blog. I just have to say that your parents are so sweet!! Brandon's grandmother is in the same nursing home that your mom is in and everytime we go see her, your precious dad is sitting in the waiting room sharing a drink with your mom and loving on her. It's the sweetest thing and I always tear up when I see them. You can see how in love your dad still is with her. They are a great reflection of a loving family. Tell Sunny that I said, "Hey!" I miss getting to see her!
I enjoyed your blog. You are so so right that we are now what we thought was old. We must cherish our parents because we never know how much longer we will have them. I am hoping to have a Christmas dinner like we used to have at maw-maw's. I'll know after Thanksgiving. I'm tenatively thinking of Dec. 14th. Is that convenient for you? Bennie
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