Well, here we are at the beginning of a brand new year - 2011. Wow, how did that happen! Time is going by so quickly these days. It really is true that the older you get the quicker time goes by. Since I have not updated this blog since September I guess you all know that I didn't too very well blogging last year. We will see how this year goes - no promises.
We had a wonderful Christmas with all of my children, grandchildren, and all of my sister's family at my house for Christmas Day. Of course we missed my daddy. It seemed harder the second year without him than the first. I guess last year we were still in a fog having just lost him in September. We miss mama too. She is just so pitiful. It gets harder and harder for Becky and I to see her in the shape she is in. We know that God is in control and that He loves her even more than we do and that there are many things in life that we just do not understand...this is certainly one of them. We are praying for Him to take her to heaven just as soon as He sees fit. We also still miss Bill's parents and other loved ones who used to be around our Christmas table but we rejoice knowing they are celebrating with Jesus and that one day we will be with Him and them! The kids stayed for a few days after Christmas and we loved them being there. After they left we had one day with an empty nest and then our dear friends Tommy, Carren, Parker and Ryan Quinn came in from GA. They got there on Thursday, Dec 30 and left on Monday, Jan 3rd. We also loved having them here. We did a lot in a few days. Welcomed the New Year, had Tommy lead in worship at Parkway which was amazing, and then we celebrated Tommy's 40th birthday Sunday night! He was a very young 25 when they came to Parkway in 1996. We have enjoyed watching how God has grown him and used him over the years. We just wish God would move them back to south MS!! So, our holidays were rich and full with family and friends and we are very grateful!
Bill is doing great - no sign of cancer at all. He will have another ct scan the end of January so please pray with us that it will still show he is in complete remission. He will start his first doses of maintenance chemo in March. He will have four treatments, one each Monday. This time last year we had no idea what 2010 had in store for us. It is amazing to look back now and see how God went before us preparing us. His provision for us since Bill was diagnosed has been amazing! We are so very grateful for all of you who have lifted Bill, me and all of our family up in prayer many times. God answered prayers and we were able to go through the last 9 months with His peace knowing that He is in perfect control no matter what. Chemo and radiation treatments and all the diagnostic tests are very expensive. One bag of Bill's chemo is $13,000.00 and he has had 18 of those so far. I wish I could aptly explain how very much God has provided for us.. through insurance and through Dr. Rodriguez getting Bill in a program because one of his chemo drugs is a newer treatment for lymphoma. It has been absolutely amazing and we can never thank Him enough!
Many people make New Years Resolutions this time of year. I never really have done that. Oh sure, I always say I am going to eat healthier, lose weight, and exercise but I never have said those are my resolutions..just things to strive for. And yes, those things are on my list this year too but for 2011 I want to be more mindful of what God wants me to do. I want to spend more time studying His word. I want to enjoy His creation - yes.. at the beach.. as often as possible! I want to get my house decluttered and organized. I never want my children to have to go through what Becky, Kevin, Bill and I did cleaning out mama and daddy's house. My mama never threw anything away and while I am thankful for many things she saved there was A LOT she could have gotten rid of! I want to enjoy every moment I have with my sweet husband and my wonderful children and grandchildren(when I say children that always includes my son-in-laws - FYI) and the rest of our family. I want to laugh lots while making more memories with good friends. What a blessing our friends have been and are to us.. thank you God for answering my long ago prayer to give us good Christian friends!
Here's wishing you and yours a very happy 2011 and may we trust and obey our God like never before!
More of Jackson’s Trip
3 months ago